Sourcing wear parts for your crushing equipment is an important factor in controlling costs, and should be treated as an important investigative process in operating your crushers. In the long term, how long they last before needing replacement is more important than their initial purchase cost. To ensure you’re choosing the most cost-effective wear parts, you should track your liner wear, choose the appropriate manganese profiles for your application wherever possible. ME Elecmetal manganese jaw crusher plates.

Tracking Liner Wear to Determine Cost Per Tonne

When it comes to buying wear parts for your crushing equipment, don’t just buy based on the unit price. Tracking your liner wear to determine cost per tonne of throughput processed is the best evaluation criteria for selecting a long term supplier that will maximize wear life. By tracking installation date and daily production, through either loader or belt scales, you can accurately determine the cost per tonne of material processed. It is the lowest cost per tonne supplier that should earn your business.

Choosing Manganese Plates

Different grades of manganese may afford longer wear, but again, must be tracked so that you can be sure how much use you’re getting out of them. Manganese can come in 12%, 14%, and 18% purity – the higher the manganese, the better wear.  But it’s important to note that the manganese needs to be work hardened, or cold worked, in order to achieve the benefits of the higher percentage and higher cost manganese. If you can’t get proper work hardening, the benefit and increased cost of this higher grade manganese is likely wasted.

Use the Proper Profiles

An ME Elecmetal technician scans worn wear liners. It’s important to choose the proper profiles for the crushing application, otherwise wear life can be shortened or product output can be negatively impacted. Depending on the material being crushed and the desired output, different profiles can enhance wear resistance and afford better throughput production. If you are having a particular problem with a liner, look for a supplier who can scan your new and worn liners to recommend custom changes to improve line performance. This can be useful to add material to avoid premature wear in certain areas. This can be done with jaw, cone, and gyratory wear liners.

The Bottom Line

If you aren’t measuring the throughput production you’re achieving against purchase cost, you may not be getting the most out of your present wear parts—which can eat into your profits. Keeping track of your wear will help you make smart purchasing decisions in the future.

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Jeff MacDonald