Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our frequently asked questions to learn about our flexible parts support, heavy machine servicing, and how to get in touch with us fast!

Are you a full service dealer?
Yes. We are a full service equipment dealer for our manufacturers. We offer sales, rentals, parts, and service to strive for complete customer satisfaction.

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Do you sell and accept trade-ins of used equipment?
Yes. We do accept trade-ins and sell used equipment. For trade-ins we appraise your equipment and give you an allowance for your consideration.

Our used equipment inventory, are either machines we have taken in on trade, or ones that are available for sale out of our Amacor owned and maintained rental fleet. Please, contact us here to learn more.

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Do you service machines?
Yes. We have a full staff of factory-trained mechanics to assist in any machine matter. We can service in shop or in the field on weekends, off-hour, civic, or statutory holidays, if prior arrangements are made. Please, call us for more details.

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Do you have parts in stock for heavy equipment?
Yes. We have a computer-managed inventory of fast-moving and in-demand parts for immediate delivery.

If you have special requirements, give us a call and we will work with you on a parts plan.

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Do you rent heavy equipment?
Yes, we have a select inventory of un-operated heavy equipment for rent. View our rental inventory.

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Do you provide operated rental equipment?
No. We do not supply operators with our rentals. However, we explain and train you and/or your operators on the machines we rent.

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What are your normal hours of operation?
We are open from 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Special arrangements are available on request for weekends and holidays. Contact us to speak with a representative today.

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Can I pay by credit card?
Yes. We accept Visa and MasterCard. Please, reach out if you have any specific questions or for more details.

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Do you offer a credit line?
Yes, we can offer a credit line for parts and service for on-going customers. All arrangements are contingent upon approved credit and prior business dealings. Please contact our accounting department for a credit application.

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