Amacor Equipment is closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We take the health and safety of our employees, customers, and our suppliers/business partners very seriously, and are ensuring Amacor and our business operations keep all recommended health guidelines in place for how we conduct business.


Given the current circumstances we have the following procedures in place: 

    • We are implementing a work from home policy for employees that have the ability to work remotely
    • We are increasing the depth of cleaning for high touch areas
    • We are encouraging more cleaning and hand sanitizing for all at work
    • We are encouraging social distancing at work and in our business interactions
    • We are limiting personal contact with workers, customers, and manufacturers, and are encouraging phone and video conferencing wherever possible
    • We are encouraging all to avoid large group gatherings and travel abroad

    We will to continue to support our customers and manufacturers in the weeks ahead, and will communicate further should further action be needed or anything develops to impact our business operations as the situation and as any regulations we must follow unfold.

    We value our relationship with you. Please contact us if you have any suggestions on how we can best assist you, or if you have any questions or concerns.  And most importantly, please stay safe.

    Yours very truly,

    Jeff MacDonald, P. Eng.

Jeff MacDonald